With the money you donate we can continue to support the photographers we work with, the charities we create content for and the communities they serve.

The simplest way to give is through Donorbox, who we trust to handle online donations. You can make one-off donations or setup a monthly payment using the form on this page. Please tick the Gift Aid declaration if you are a UK taxpayer, then we can then claim the tax back, adding 25% to the amount of your gift.

Bank details

You can also pay directly into our bank account.

Account name: Givingworks-Taking Pictures, Changing Lives
Bank: HSBC
Account number: 71295691
Sort code: 40-11-60


Alternatively, you can send a cheque, payable to "Givingworks-Taking Pictures Changing Lives", to the following address:

Taking Pictures, Changing Lives
c/o GivingWorks
65 Leadenhall St
London EC3A 2AD

Offline donations

We also accept donations from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and Stewardship, as well as direct bank payments and Crypto. Please email us for more information.